Perceivant Announces New Kinesiology Course

Perceivant, an Indianapolis based education technology company that replaces traditional textbooks with cost-effective and interactive digital courseware, will offer a new Introduction to Kinesiology course beginning in the fall of 2020. Practical Content for Beginning Kinesiologists will focus on the field of kinesiology and the careers that stem from its study, adding to Perceivant’s growing … Continued

Perceivant and KSU Offer Roadmap to Successful Online Learning

In the education world there is often a stigma attached to online learning that it is not as effective as traditional learning in the classroom. While there are reasons to believe learning in a classroom setting would result in higher student success than learning online, evidence from Perceivant, an educational technology company that provides cost-effective … Continued

Perceivant’s digital course work finds following at 14 colleges

To explain what Perceivant is and does, it’s helpful to start off by stating what it’s not. Perceivant is not an online bookstore, and its not pedaling distance learning. “Everything we do is meant to prepare students for the classroom,” said Brian Rowe, Perceivant’s founder and largest single shareholder. Perceivant creates digital coursework “designed to make … Continued

My Puppy is a Blackbelt in Well-being

Turns out my new puppy is a multidimensional well-being evil genius. True story. A little backstory… The last few months have been sort of eventful from a “life” perspective. We got a new puppy, I turned 40, and I started working from home full time. While these events are not the same magnitude as getting … Continued